Category Archives: Whole School Projects

Year 5’s Poem on Local Buildings

We have written a poem based on our architectural walk around the local area. Our poem focuses on the Roundhouse, the Zabludowicz Collection, the Kentish Town swimming baths, the Prince’s Park Building and the Stay Collection on Chalk Farm Road.


As I walked down Hartland Road,

I saw the birds fly up to a glistening building.

The tower was just like Rapunzel’s tower home.

The old brick building stood there shivering.

Now the serpent is old it is being held up by sticks,

The scaly snake is a place for calm, a place for forgiveness.

But it looked just like a haunted castle,

One where a hideous witch would cast a spell on you at any moment.


I see a building,

With a spire like a sharp, dangerous sword,

Wearing a hat.

I see a climbing frame that leads right up to a big, pointy sword,

Below it a big giant helmet.

The top of the blood-red building looks like climbing flames,

The big doors look like dungeons.

The palace door is gold like a king’s crown.

The windows are eyes watching us walk in the rain.

It’s skin was red and pale with dark grey hair,

The creature had two tunnels digging far into it.

A warrior with a metal helmet,

Points his dagger at the sky,

Golden writing is another sign,

Of how stunning this king of the streets is.


As I wander down the street,

I see a great sea of cars with a huge boat slowly filling up with passengers.

When I’m looking at that ship,

I can imagine a monster so big and so different to the other ships.

I can see the big concrete mouth and its sharp glass teeth.

I can imagine it swimming across the sea.

As the tide floats away,

The sky changes colour,

Now I see a building long and tall,

The cars not stopping, not stopping at all.

It is a monster!

Munching with its see-through teeth.

As still as a statue.

As I blink the monster starts to emerge.

It’s giant, big teeth gobble up the victims below as they try to escape form death.

I have seen many buildings in my life,

Nothing as evil as this one.

It also has savage beauty,

It will be amazing when it’s done.


I pass a beautiful building with its golden brown skin,

Its crown sitting proudly on its forehead.

The other buildings are staring jealously at it.

As I look across I see monolith tree trunk pillars tower over everyone,

Eye-like windows sit on ledges,

Staring at all who pass by.

It has a triangular hat with a straight brim,

With a Christmas wreath in the middle.

Chariots went racing and crashing by,

His old, bronze body was looking proud.

His mighty front legs rested on the ground.


As I stroll through the crowded road my eyes are drawn to a man of steel,

About to jump into the massive crowd of people.

My eyes are hooked to the coliseum of music,

With a sea of warriors each evening,

All eager to enter the cooking pot,

Steaming and bubbling away.

I see a spherical hat placed on top of a house.

A spire is sat on the hat.

The top is also like a lid for a container,

The other entrance is like a chef’s kitchen.

Out of some windows in a tea top hat,

Comes delightful in-tune music.


As I strolled along the dull streets,

I came across an eye-catching, iron spider’s web,

With olive green leaves underneath.

As I ventured down the rapid road,

My eyes set on the waving iron leaves spinning and twirling,

The scattered iron spider’s web on top of the luscious green leaves.

Rain drops are running down the web.

Birds fly past with happiness when they see this multi-coloured nest of magic.

The traffic roars past me like a fireball,

My eyes were stuck to the colossal building.


Can you guess which building each verse is about?

What is your favourite line?

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